Breakthrough for Mastering Sleep Naturally Without Pills or Medication

...Even if you face stressful situations every day

Sleeping Better Naturally

A Proven Method on How to Get the Essential Sleep You Need for Health and Success. Regain and maintain good physical, mental and emotional health and improve your decision-making, work life, personal life, relationships, sex life and goal achievement.


Marilee & Dr. Duncan Goheen

From Marilee and Dr. Duncan Goheen, Kelowna, BC Canada


Dear Friend,

If you really want to master sleep to improve your life, this could be the most important breakthrough you have ever experienced.

But first, why this may not work for you.

This is not a magic pill that you can take once a day and master sleep for the rest of your life.  There are simple and easy steps that you need to follow.  It doesn't take a lot of time but it does take some time - at least 15 min a day to begin with.  Everyone can do these steps.

You may have tried many things to get better sleep every night.  You may have doubts about whether this will work for you.  As you take the steps and experience positive changes in your health, energy level and mindset your confidence will then replace your doubts. It has happened over and over again as we perfected the program over the past 30 years.

So with that understood ... let's jump right in and show you ...


Exactly What You're Getting

Imagine for a moment that you have just hired one of the best sleep practitioners on the planet to:

1) help you get to sleep within a few minutes of going to bed by:

  • cleaning your energy centres and energy field to help create a sense of calm and peace -- and to remove anything that might be make it difficult to get to sleep such as any negative of stressful situations that occurred through the day so you can enjoy sound restful sleep
  • balancing your energy field and energy centres to improve the healing and restorative effect of your sleep on all levels -- mentally, emotionally and physically - so you feel sharp and at your best on all levels with energy to spare.

2) help you get back to sleep when you wake up during the night by:

  • helping calm any mental or emotional thoughts, worries or conditions  that maybe preventing sleep - so you can get back to sleep quickly
  • helping clean and balance your energy field and energy centres that maybe keeping you awake so you can get a full nights sleep.
  • help you complete a full night of normal sleep cycles so you can integrate the previous day's experiences and be fully prepared mentally and emotionally for the next day.   It's important to complete normal sleep cycles for good mental and emotional health as the early morning cycles are required for good health in these areas.

3) help you get back into good sleep routines for good sleep every night.  From time to time there can be disruptive events in life -- it may be sickness, relationship issues, business problems or any number of issues that can disrupt a good sleep rountine.  You now have the method and tool you need to get back into good sleep habits and get the sleep you need every night -- quickly and efficiently.


And imagine that your practitioner is full time -- all the time -- available 24 hours a day - every day - every place -- for the rest of your life.


This is what your are getting in this Sonic Pranic Energy Treatment program for Mastering Sleep Maturally -- without pills or medications.

You will learn to sleep better so you can keep your cool, manage your emotions and remain relaxed throughout the day.

You will no longer feel drained of energy - dragging yourself around all day.  You will feel energized when you wake up in the morning and eager to greet the day.

You will be much healthier as your immune system will be much stronger and able to ward of sickness and illness that be a problem for weaker immune systems caused by sleep loss.

Sonic Pranic Energy Treatment for Mastering Sleep Naturally is a powerful program that you can use as often as you like.  It cleanses, balances and energizes your energy centres and energy field and focuses on those areas that are sleep related.

The sonic program works like an "energy shower" to help cleanse your energy field from unwanted energy -- energy that keeps you from falling asleep or that doesn't let you get back to sleep.

After the cleansing -- it then works on balancing your energy centres -- particularly those most involved with sleep so you can get a good night's sleep every night.

As part of the balancing process it also energizes your energy field and energy centres so you can get to sleep.  It's often not well understood that a certain type and level of energy is required to get to sleep and this program help ensure that this energy is generated and present.  As you use the program your confidence in the process will increase bit by bit and it will become an invaluable resource in living a full, productive life.

You may have tried pills, drugs or other medications and found that they don't work over the long term -- or that the side effects are damaging to your health and life.  Studies at Harvard and other research centres have shown that most sleeping pills may work for a short time and then lose their effectiveness.   They have also clearly demonstrated a long list of harmful side effects.  We are pleased to offer an alternative that works -- with no negative side effects.

This is different than anything you may have tried in the past and it does work when you follow the routine -- just take the steps.

Everything in the program has been tested and proven and is working right now.

If you are having difficulties in your life - sleep loss is often the cause of many issues whether it's health issues, problems with relationships, parenting, money troubles, problems at work, depression, getting work done, or not enjoying life.  Quite often sleep loss has been present for so long that it's not seen as a major problem - even when it's the root of many health issues such as:

  • increased risk of heart disease and diabetes
  • higher stress levels
  • increased risk of dementia and memory loss
  • reduced sex drive
  • foggy brain and poor decision making
  • increased risk of injury - broken hips etc
  • increased risk of auto accidents due to drowsy driving
  • moodiness and grouchiness
  • longer healing time
  • unhealthy skin and general appearance - looking more tired and older than when getting good sleep


It's often not until you start getting the sleep you need that you begin to realize how much sleep loss has been impacting your life in so many ways -- none of them good.

And It's About MORE Than Mastering Sleep Naturally

It has ripple effects throughout your entire life.  You will find that your attitude towards life is much more positive and hopefully as you get better sleep.  You will think more clearly helping you work more effectively.  You will have more patience and even temper helping improve relationships at home and work.  And you will be better able to maintain a positive outlook even when others around you are less optimisitc.

You will find that your performance levels improve -- whether it's at work or athletics - or intimate relations.  Sleep loss always diminishes performance.  Mastering Sleep Naturally always improves performance and quality of life.

Here's a fraction of what you're getting...  Use the Sonic Pranic Treatment Program To:

Get To Sleep Faster

Stay Sleeping Longer

Get Back to Sleep quicker if you wake up during the night

Wake Refreshed and energized in the morning looking forward to your day

Improve your productivity or creativity (especially when you know that sleep loss is harming your productivity and creativity)

Reduce or replace pills and self medication that you know are harmful to you and to those around you (consult with you doctor for any changes in prescriptions)

Improve your mood and to say goodbye to grouchiness, confusion and overwhelm.

Improve your relationships when you know that sleep loss is wrecking your relationships at home, school or work.

Improve your health if sleep loss is making you sick -- or keeping you sick -- or slowing down your healing. Sleep loss dramatically impacts your immune system increasing vulnerability to sickness and disease and retards healing.

And much, much, more! 


I started the Sleep Mastery program about three or four weeks ago (spring 2019). Since then I have had only had one small episode of restless leg syndrome. I am now getting the sleep I need every night -- the first time since 1980.


D.M - Penn.


I put tracks 3,4,5 on a loop and played it over night. I have had 2 nights of completely uninterrupted sleep. Typically I wake many times a night and often wake at 4:00am and toss and turn until I get up feeling tired. I am feeling great after 2 nights of great sleep. I feel light. I am happy, have a very low stress/ concern/ worry level. My head feels clear and my ability to focus has already improved. I was concerned that leaving track 5 in with Duncan speaking would wake me up but it has not. I slept 8.5 hours each of the last 2 nights. I feel great! Thank you.

K.B , BC 


Good Morning Marilee and Duncan 

Wonderful news!

The new routine for sleep is working exceptionally well, doing light exercises and no TV nor coffee resulted in a very deep sleep. In fact the ping from 4 emails could not wake me. (that's new for a light sleeper)

Previous uses of Sonic Sleep created a profound peacefulness,and settling to my intestines which made it easy to fall asleep and stay asleep. I sleep less (no more 10 hours) and wake refreshed.

The new routine works wonders and I share success with friends.

Thank you for your help

Atma Namaste

D.H. - Alberta


I played the Sonic program last night while lying in bed. Initially I was shocked by the sound.  I felt the power of the sound immediately - as something deep and spiritual.   Clearly, this is powerful medicine. I look forward to further listenings.

D. T. - BC


This is the third Christmas since my discovery of

Dr. Duncan Goheen's  Sound Healing Treatment Programs.

The significance of this discovery has been a miracle in my life. This

discovery has also helped me to be of better service to friends who are suffering

with illness by opening a new avenue of healing to them.

J.P - Oregon


I did my first session yesterday evening, and was absolutely amazed by how powerful it was. Wow! You are certainly gifted.

I'm looking forward to doing it again-it's very beautiful.

Thank you!

Pat - Ont


Eventually I got into a rhythm of using the Sonic Pranic programs 3-4 times a week.  I feel the effect when I don't use. Love it - so much more aware of the vibration as it comes into my body. You can use these programs for years - in your own time - had to train myself to make it part of my life.  Take time to do this. Felt more balance - more energy - happier as a result. So worthwhile - to maintain what I have achieved - If you follow that program - it works.

A.H. - BC


​I'd just like to express my thankfullness  and gratitude to both Marilee and Duncan for the service that they are doing to humankind for all the love and the work that they're doing, for bringing in the light and for changing our world. So thank you. Thank you,

D.W. - BC.


Personally I would recommend the work of Duncan and Marilee to anyone. I think they are really people of spirit and very knowledgeable and very effective as healers, trainers and coaches.

Pastor Bob - BC


​Marilee is a very gifted teacher and powerful healer and coach.

Thank You for being who you are and all you do for so many.

R.M. Victoria BC

Scientific Evidence of Impact of Sonic Pranic Energy Treatment

This video shows the results of a 50 minute Sonic Pranic Treatment on the physical, mental and emotional levels of a person using sophisticated light photon capturing equipment. The results are dramatic. Over the past decades Dr. Goheen has developed Sonic Treatment protocols for a wide variety of physical, mental and emotional health issues. These treatments are now available in MP3 format and can be used any time they are needed. Many cases studies are on file attesting to the effectiveness of the Sonic Treatments.

But you know what you'll really love?

Lifetime Use!

When you download this program to your phone, tablet or computer or make a CD for your player - you have the program for the rest of your life.  It's available to use anytime that you want to use it.  

And it's not like going for a professional treatment and having to pay for each additional treatment.  After you buy the program - every treatment is free - no additional cost.  You will find it's the best value ever.


Here's What To Do Next

You can use the program as often as you wish -- and you can cancel your subscription at any time.

As soon as you place your order, you'll get an automated receipt along with a link and instructions to access the program immediately. It's a simple, easy process.

You can start using the program immediately. There's some suggestions included on how to use the program to get the best results. The benefits will surprise and perhaps amaze you.

We encourage you to share your successes with us and how the program has helped you master stress naturally.

Oh, and in case you're wondering ...

There Is No Catch!

You Get online access to Sonic Pranic for Mastering Stress Naturall upon registration. This is a full energy treatment program. There is no limit to the number of treatments you can get as long as you maintain your subscription.

Why Do We Do This?

We know that the value far exceeds the price.

For people that use the program once a day - the cost per treatment is pennies a day. A fraction of the cost of other treatments - and very effective.

We want as many people using these programs as possible so we've set the price at a level that everyone can afford.

We are using the FairPay system where clients are given the opportunity to pay according the value received from the programs. So the base subscription price is whatever you choose and each month you will be given the opportunity of paying an additional amount according the value received. This is strictly voluntary and is 100% up to you to decide the value you have received over the past 30 days. This takes into account each persons capacity to pay -- as each member has a different financial situation.

Another reason we have set the price so low is that we have additional Sonic programs such as Sonic Pranic for Sleep, Sonic for Headaches and Migraines etc. We know that when you use Sonic Pranic treatment to Master Stress and Anxiety you will love it. And if you have additional needs you will want to check out what else we have available including our courses and treatment programs.

Our hope is that you'll love our programs and this will be the start of a good relationship for years to come.

Why Should You Start Now?

Two Reasons:


If you don't start to take steps to Master Sleep Naturally now - the odds are that the impact of your sleep loss will liikely get worse - and manifest in physical, mental or emotional health problems. 

Now is the time to get started and start enjoying the many benefits from Mastering Sleep Naturally.  

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter.  We look forward to speaking with you soon.




Marilee and Dr. Duncan Goheen


P.S.  In case you're one of those people who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:


1. We are offering you a  Sonic Pranic Energy Treatment Program for Mastering Sleep Naturally that you can use as often as you like, anyplace, anytime on your phone, tablet or computer.  This has been developed over the past 30 years and is unique in it's capacity to quickly cleanse, balance and energize your energy centers and energy field along with many other benefits noted above.


2.  You have this for a lifetime of use.   There is no catch to this offer -- your $198 gives you access to all the above for a lifetime.

and get your Sonic Pranic Energy Treatment for Mastering Sleep Naturally now.


You will be happy you did.

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